
A Magnificent Seven–by Samantha Thornhill

on Apr 26, 2010 in PUP Barks! | 7 comments

From left to right, Samantha , Jon, Ed, Elana, Akua, Adam & Jai. A Magnificent Seven Sunday afternoon found me at Union Square Park in the drizzling rain waiting for poets to show. Ones that promised, ones that didn’t. Ones I had successfully convinced to join me in this venture I’ve been stewing across a string of experiences. Unhingings I like to call them. It started almost 10 years ago in Tallahassee, where I was born into spoken word. I was younger then and much more fearless. With my poetry troupe (BACK TALK!) I used to do poems on the streets of New Orleans and everywhere else we travelled. Keith and I used to perform poetry and hustle our CD’s in barbershops on Fridays (pay day). And more recently: my 40 minute featture at a 7,000 person audience in Prospect Park–99% of them definitely not there for poetry. A needle exchange program in midtown, the...